Before I married my last name was Crow. This weekend we went to my family reunion in Marshall TX. We left Friday, and will be going home tomorrow. Joseph could not go because he is going to the Southern Baptist Convention in Orlando, FL. He is flying out this afternoon. We really miss DADDY!!! Here are a few pics from our weekend.
This is My Uncle John, Aunt Nell, and My Daddy... There were seven children. One died at age nine, his brother Gene. Two of his sisters passed away when I was in high school, Lola and Norma Ray. He has one brother that could not attend because of health reasons, Tommy. My daddy is the BABY!!! Some of my first cousins are older than my dad. I think my dad was a Surprise!!! My Mam-Maw was 40 when he was born.
This is just my dad's family... his brother, his sister, and my family together...
We also visited the town my dad was born in... their house has been torn down for new construction...
This is the grave site of my Grandparents...My Granddaddy died when I was four, and my Mam-Maw died right after I found out I was expecting Paige.
My Birthday 2025
57 minutes ago
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