Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving from Emmy Grace

Happy Thanksgiving from Emmy! Today Emily Grace's pre-school had their Thanksgiving program at school. She is in the three year old class. The little boys were the Indians and the little girls were pilgrims. They were all so cute! Emily is our spirited child, but I think the spot-light makes her a little shy. She tried to hide behind the girl in front of her, but then she decided she could not see us. She soon found herself. Her costume was made out of a trash bag, napkin, and a paper bag. That is a total teacher costume. When you can take nothing and make a complete outfit. Way to go Mrs. Suzie!

Emily Grace

Daddy, Mommy, and Emmy

This is her after she found herself!!!


The Whites said...

She looks soo cute! What a great idea for a costume. Happy Thanksgiving to you all as well!