Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Daddy's Day 2010...

I say Happy Daddy's Day, because anyone can be a father. It takes a special man to be a DADDY!!! I know everyone says that, but it is so true. I am so blessed to have so many special daddy's in my life.

This is my WONDERFUL husband and my three kiddos... (these are always the "picture faces" I get when I ask them to take a picture) He is a GREAT daddy!

This is them being good...

This is my daddy with my kiddos... He has always been a great daddy and a wonderful Granddaddy "Billy Crow". (My kids call him Granddaddy Billy Crow)

He is a BIG Red Sox fan...This was his gift from my kids.

This is Joseph's daddy and the kiddos... "Paw-Paw"

Here are the three daddy's I had lunch with today...

This is Mimmy, Joseph's Granddaddy...

Joseph and his Granddaddy... They have always had a special relationship!