Paden is a great kid. Paden loves his daddy. (He is a daddy's boy) He loves collecting knives, guns, and multi tools. He likes to play the Play Station 3. He likes to stay up late and sleep late. School is ok, but he would love for it to start after lunch. Before lunch messes up his sleeping late. He loves to eat all day long. He loves to play sports, but he is a good baseball player. He likes to collect things. He hates to clean. He is going through some attitude changes. We are dealing with that. He loves good sweet tea. He asked Jesus into his heart last year. (Dec. 2010) He went on his first mission trip this year May/June. He also wants a 4- wheeler, dirt bike, and anything else to give me a heart attack. Paden is a big love bug. He hates for anyone to be upset with him. I am so proud to be his mama.
Homemade Yogurt
1 hour ago
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